Dandruff, eczema and psoriasis on the scalp

What is dandruff?
Dandruff is a skin condition that primarily affects the scalp. Symptoms include flaking of skin and sometimes mild itching. It is by no means dangerous, but can result in social or self-esteem problems if you go and feel sorry for sprinkling.
A more severe form of the condition, which includes inflammation of the skin, is known as seborrheic dermatitis. I will not deal with that in this article.
Why Does Dandruff Flake?
The skin on the scalp and other densely haired areas is covered in clusters of corneocytes. A corneocyte is a protein complex made of tiny strands of keratin between the individual cells. The individual skin cells have maintained a large degree of cohesion with each other since their formation and as such detach from the surface of the stratum corneum (epidermis). There can be a big difference in how big these scales can be. We cannot see the smallest ones, and the largest ones can be up to 5*5cm.
Why do you get dandruff?
The cause is unclear, but is thought to involve a number of genetic and environmental factors. The condition can worsen in winter, with stress, with illness, a shampoo you cannot tolerate, excessive hair washing and much more. It is not due to poor hygiene, the underlying mechanism involves excessive growth of skin cells which are then rejected by the skin. As the skin layers constantly replace themselves, the cells are pushed outwards, where they die and flake off. For most individuals, these skin flakes are too small to be visible. If you have dandruff, you will find that cell turnover is unusually fast, especially in the scalp. The scientific hypothesis is that for people with dandruff, skin cells can mature and be shed in 2-7 days, as opposed to about a month in people without dandruff. The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large oily clumps that appear as white or grayish flakes on the scalp, skin and clothing. As the hair holds on to these scales, they often get stuck to the scalp and fall off over the course of days. The diagnosis is based on symptoms that the scalp itches and there are flakes of skin.
Could it be fungus?
Yes, it could be a fungus. So in Danish, you will experience itching and irritation on the scalp from this fungus, and ultimately the cells will split and be expelled as dead skin cells that you see as scales. We have thought that it was the fungus Malassezia furfur which caused dandruff due to fungus. While this species occurs naturally on the skin surface of humans both with and without dandruff, in 2007 it was discovered that the bandit responsible, if you will, is a scalp-specific fungus, Malassezia globosa, this bandit metabolizes triglycerides present in sebum by expressing lipase , resulting in a lipid byproduct, an oleic acid. When you have dandruff with this fungus, the level of Malassezia increases by 1.5 to 2 times its normal level. The oleic acid, i.e. the by-product, penetrates the upper layer of the skin (epidermis) and provokes an inflammatory reaction in susceptible people (itching and irritated scalp), disrupting homeostasis and resulting in irregular division of stratum corneum cells.
How to remove dandruff from the scalp?
The easiest solution is to give the area peace and plenty of minerals.
Why does tar shampoo work against dandruff?
Tar, which is a residual product of coal, inhibits the cells from dividing, and is therefore a good remedy.
Can you use vinegar against dandruff?
Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy for dandruff and itching. It removes soap residue if that's what's causing you irritation. It may also inhibit fungus if that is the cause of your dandruff.
What is eczema?
Eczema is an irritation of the skin. Read much more in my guide about Eczema .
Why do you get eczema on the scalp?
You can use preparations to set hair, a color or a shampoo or similar that you cannot tolerate. This could give you an irritation or eczema. Read much more about eczema in my guide Eczema.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a bit in the same ballpark, and yet not. If you suffer from psoriasis on the scalp, I would recommend that you use the same treatment as for dandruff, but finally read my instructions psoriasis.
Why do you get scalp psoriasis?
Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, and the scalp, eyebrows or similar. are also places where you can be hit. Read my guide on psoriasis that will hopefully give you all the answers you want.
How do you treat dandruff/eczema/psoriasis on the scalp?
Stop what is giving you your irritation. If it's stress or illness, it's easy enough to write. That is why I also did a treatment.
Treatment of dandruff/eczema/psoriasis on the scalp - you must use these products
Order and use
1. Hair Shampoo
Wash your hair with my Shampoo – it's a mild shampoo that gently washes your hair without disturbing the scalp. You can possibly put a few capfuls of Ai in your shampoo and you can keep scalp irritation down.
2. Hair Conditioner
Use my Conditioner – it's full of water mint, which will stimulate blood circulation, and in this way we also work from the inside. Also feel free to put a few capfuls of Ai in your conditioner.
3. Ouch
Ai is absolutely the most important product in this treatment. It consists of minerals mixed with a strong extract of purple willow. The scent is not particularly pleasant, and it can sting terribly when applied - but it works!
Put Ai in your wet hair after washing your hair in the evening (just 3-5 capfuls). Sleep with it in your hair and rinse it out in the morning.
When will I see improvements in my scalp dandruff/eczema/psoriasis?
Dandruff: 1-3 days if you sleep every night with Ai.
Eczema: 1-3 days if you stop contact irritation and sleep with Ai every night.
Psoriasis: 4-10 days if you sleep with Ai on the scalp every night, and use mild conditioner after washing in the morning.
I have collected the products you just have to have in one package, and given you a good price.
In severe cases - always see a doctor.
Hug Raz