Enlarged pores

What are enlarged pores?
Enlarged pores are depressions in the skin surface of the face that contain one or more openings to the ducts that carry sweat and oil from their respective glands, e.g. the sebaceous glands that keep the skin moist.
What are clogged pores?
Clogged pores are the same pores, but in this case they are clogged like a plug. When this sebum comes into contact with oxygen it will turn dark. This is why blackheads are often called blackheads.
Why is it most often on the nose?
The pores on and around the nose are called nostrils. Nostrils are the openings for the hair follicles, just like on the rest of your skin, they are actually called follicles. Attached to these follicles are sebaceous glands. These glands produce a natural oil called sebum that keeps your skin moisturized.
While pores are a necessity for your skin's health, they can come in different sizes. Nasal pores are naturally larger than those located on other parts of your skin. This is because the sebaceous glands below them are also larger.
Why do you get enlarged pores?
Firstly, there is genetics. So if your parents have large pores on their noses, you might have or get it too. It's just like with eye color and the like.
But there are also other reasons:
Sunlight without applied SPF
Lack of Peeling
Hormonal fluctuations
Bad skin habits
Greasy skin
Dry skin
Are enlarged pores and blackheads the same thing?
Blackheads and enlarged pores do not have to be related and do not have to happen at the same time. You can easily have blackheads without having enlarged pores. So no, blackheads and enlarged pores are not the same thing, and other times they are actually the same thing. Because you can easily have an overproduction of sebum that both causes blackheads and enlarged pores. Confused, yes I understand.
Are large pores and dry skin related?
If you have dry skin, the skin can contract so that the pores become larger than they should be. So the optimum would be a skin that is just in balance.
Are large pores and oily skin related?
If you have oily skin, the pores may be pushed outward by the increased production of sebum. So the optimum would be a skin that is just in balance.
How to reduce pores?
There is nothing you can do about the genetically enlarged pores, it is your genetic makeup that has determined it. Of course, we can try to turn back the time to when they weren't so big, then you have to read my guide called anti aging.
However, it also seems that B3 for unfathomable reasons shrinks the pores, we cannot yet explain why, but more experiments make us investigate further. You will find niacinamide (B3) in both my face creams and especially in my Means
And finally, remember that sunlight is one of the major causes of enlarged pores and, not least, signs of ageing. 97% of Danes do not use any sun protection in their day cream. Therefore, many Danes have enlarged pores and look older than they should.
Can you use laser for enlarged pores?
Yes, you can easily use laser against your enlarged pores. The treatment is the same as for wrinkle reduction, as you try to get the skin's age back to when you didn't have enlarged pores. The clinics I know that do the treatment most effectively and at the same time beautifully are unfortunately very expensive. And when it comes to laser clinics, you have to be picky. Cheap is not always good.
Can I use foundation/makeup on large pores?
You are welcome to cover your enlarged pores, it is just important that you remember to clean the skin morning and evening, preferably with my Cleansing Mask, so that we also get rid of excess sebum and, not least, get lots of minerals added. Good routine is very important.
I have visible pores on my legs - what do I do?
Enlarged pores on the legs can easily occur. However, it is quite often that it can be removed if you use a good body lotion every day and at least after every bath.
I have large pores on my cheeks - what do I do?
The pores on the nose can easily extend beyond the cheeks. The treatment is not much different than on the nose.
Is this something I absolutely must not do if I have enlarged pores?
The worst thing you can do is let it stand. If you want them gone, you might as well start now, because it won't get any easier with time. Day cream with SPF30 and remember to cleanse both morning and evening.
How to treat enlarged pores? You must use these products
Morning routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Powder to mousse
For all cleaning of the skin, so you boost with more minerals and vitamins and get an optimal color and not least antioxidants against the day's degradation. Being so mild, it won't dry out unnecessarily, which contributes to enlarged pores. It also drains your pores of excess sebum.
2. Raz Skincare Hh
Moisturizes the skin so that it does not contract, but appears mostly moisturized. Here are also building blocks for new skin. You will probably become addicted to it, but try it for a little month, this little 10ml. You can always trade it large Subsequently.
3. Raz Skincare Ltd
Here you have plenty of vitamin B3 and herbs that shrink the pores. The fact that they also inhibit overproduction of sebum means that blockages do not contribute to enlarged pores.
4. Raz Skincare Rich Face Cream
Use Rich Face Cream as your day cream. You will find SPF30 in Rich, and since the sun's rays damage your skin and contribute to enlarged pores, it is important to have SPF on all days of the year! I give them to you as test bags which last for about 8-14 days. Check if it is not suitable for your skin before you buy it large.
Evening routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Powder to mousse
For all cleaning of the skin, so you boost with more minerals and vitamins. It gently removes make-up so you don't dry out unnecessarily.
2. Raz Skincare Hh
Moisturize again, but in the evening it is even more important to get peptides so that the skin has building blocks for new and improved skin.
3. Raz Skincare Ltd
Here you have plenty of vitamin B3 and herbs that shrink the pores. The fact that they also inhibit overproduction of sebum means that blockages do not contribute to enlarged pores.
4. Raz Skincare A Retinoid
Retinoid is fat-dissolving and causes the skin to increase its production of new skin cells. It can perhaps be dispensed with, so test with the others first. It is therefore not included in the package but must be purchased separately.
5. Repair
We saturate the skin with fat so that it is always optimal and does not overproduce sebum itself. All seep with A-retinoid and Repair. A rich night cream will retain the moisture in your skin which disappears during the night. It may possibly be my Repair, it is included in the package as a Mini Repair of 15 ml. so you can test it.
Other treatment
Raz Skincare Cp Chemical peel.
Dead skin cells help dry out the skin and clog pores, both contributing to enlarged pores. Peel the skin 1-3 times a week. Start gently with just once a week. Follow the instructions on the product.
When will I see improvements in my enlarged pores?
We are all different and if your enlarged pores are due to your genes, then the process is very slow - we are talking many months. If they are caused by dry skin, you will often see improvements within a week. The pores of an oily skin are often also clogged, so you should probably expect a few months there.
Dietary supplements that can help against enlarged pores
There is no specific dietary supplement that removes enlarged pores, but it is proven time and time again that a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables gives beautiful skin. It is always a good idea to take a regular multivitamin pill.
I have collected the products you just have to have in one package, and given you a good price.
Hug Raz