
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is the redness of the skin that comes and goes, rosacea can have different triggers. More on triggers of rosacea later. When the redness occurs, you will experience that the skin becomes warm, it may itch. A lot of small irritations occur in the small blood vessels in the skin, so these appear as small cobwebs and can even swell up and cause a more or less chronic redness. In technical language, these are called telangiectasias.
Common is that the redness does not disappear when you are no longer embarrassed, but remains in the skin and can have an itchy or burning sensation.
The cause of this disorder is not yet fully understood, but all research points to these factors having a major influence:
- Weakened immune system
- Increased number of microorganisms in the skin, e.g. hair follicle mites
- Increased occurrence of bacteria, especially staphylococcus
- Weakened blood vessels after e.g. sun damage etc. adrenal creams
- Sometimes all of the above.”
What does rosacea look like?
Traditionally, rosacea has been divided into four groups, or four types, each with their own appearance.
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR)
The most normal and the one most fall victim to. This only means no thickening in the skin and only shows up as redness and heat.
Papulopustular Rosacea (PPR)
Second most normal rosacea. This type of rosacea is accompanied by pustules (pimples) or thickening of the skin which can develop into ulcers.
Phymatous rosacea
Rhinoceros rosacea is also called this type of rosacea. The reason is that there is a large thickening of the skin around the nose. It is rare and in reddened cases can look like a large red port wine spout and it mostly affects men. This disorder must always be treated by a doctor.
Ocular rosacea
This rosacea affects your eye area and the eye itself, it is rare and must be treated by your doctor.
How do I treat rosacea?
If you have rosacea, you probably also have very sensitive skin. It is therefore important that you take care of your skin as gently as possible, both in between but also when you have your outbreaks of rosacea.
Minerals and vitamins will be able to soothe the irritated skin and care substances can kill the bacteria. And if you can also find something that can moisturize the skin well, it is essential in your treatment. Raz Skincare has a treatment that covers everything your skin needs to get rid of your rosacea. I have collected it all at the bottom of this article.
Is rosacea a disease?
The patient handbook states: Rosacea is a chronic inflammation of the skin on the face. The disease starts with redness in the middle of the face, and a feeling of stinging and tingling in the skin. The skin on the cheeks, forehead and nose becomes slightly thickened with small dilated blood vessels. Pimples and pimples are part of the disease, but there are no blackheads like acne.
Is rosacea hereditary?
Yes, it has been shown that if your mother or father suffers from rosacea, you will be more likely to also be affected by this disorder.
233 pairs were identical twins and 42 pairs were fraternal. All were between 18 and 80 years old.
All answered questions about their lifestyle and medical history and underwent a skin exam that allowed the researchers to grade their rosacea condition from none to severe rosacea.
The results showed that genetics appeared to contribute 46 percent of rosacea risk.
The remainder of the observed risk was attributed to greater sun exposure (UV radiation), older age, a higher BMI (an indicator of obesity), smoking, alcohol, medications and heart disease.
The associations with obesity/overweight and rosacea were a surprise, say the researchers, who have had their study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
What should I avoid in my skin care? What are triggers for rosacea?
There are several things that can worsen your redness, and if you suffer from rosacea, you probably already know most of them. It is a myth that they are all triggers, there are many who tolerate several of the items on the list without it triggering rosacea. If you suffer from rosacea, you need to find your triggers yourself.
However, one thing is common to all types of rosacea. And it's sunlight whether it's cloudy or not.
The list below is also reasonably certain to be a trigger for your rosacea:
- Products with a high content of perfumes
-Cleaning wipes – (read: the work of the devil)
-Cleaning products with soap and or alcohol
- Make-up that is difficult to remove again or with a high content of perfumes
-Dairy products
-Extreme temperature changes
-Coffee / black tea
- Strong spicy food
- It is a myth that alcohol always causes redness, but for some they can trigger rosacea
- Food with a high content of horse amines such as cheese, spinach, soy sauce, chocolate, tuna, etc.
Should I use a cream for my rosacea?
You must always use face cream with sunscreen if you suffer from rosacea, even if it is cloudy or winter. Just always sunscreen. If you can even find a face cream with a green color spectrum or a green color pigment, you will find that the green color cancels out the redness in the skin. Raz Skincare Face Cream Calm, is precisely with green color spectra and with SPF 30
The doctor can give you various creams with bacteria-reducing agents and various vitamin A, which reduce scar tissue and the formation of pulses. Active substances such as tetracycline or erythromycin and subsequent treatment with metronidazole, azelaic acid, brimonidine or ivermectin.
These must never be left alone, you really need to protect yourself from the sun. So if your doctor gives you a cream to be used during the day, you must use Raz Skincare Face Cream Calm with SPF 30 on top of this.
Are there any good dietary tips for rosacea?
Since rosacea is an inflammatory bacterial condition, I treat it as such. I often start the treatment with the garden's own antibiotics, for example garlic, ginger and horseradish, to improve the body's immune system. Use plenty of the aforementioned in your daily diet. The best medicine is still your food, and the immune system is formed in your stomach.
Healthy diet with few histamines and a lot of anti-histamines. For example nettle which is very potent and can be used in soups, salads, smoothies etc. Remember gloves when you pick them, as soon as they are heated up or put in a smoothie, they no longer burn. But also carrots, garlic, lemons (some may find that certain citrus fruits cause breakouts), tomatoes, dark grapes, broccoli and so on. Over-the-counter antihistamines for hay fever can also help.
Can I use makeup when I have rosacea?
Yes, you can and can easily use lots of makeup on skin with rosacea. Mineral makeup is often a good choice for skin with rosacea, as it typically does not contain potentially irritating ingredients such as perfumes, which are probably the biggest irritants for rosacea. If you use Raz skincare Face Cream Calm, it is rich enough for a mineral powder to stick easily and help cover your redness.
What is the most important thing in the fight against rosacea?
Sun protection is the most important thing in the fight against rosacea. Use Raz Skincare Face Cream Calm every single day. It has SPF 30 in addition to the green spectra filter that will make the skin less red.
UV light increases the level of inflammation and the breakdown of the skin, also called oxidative stress. This leads to several defects in the small blood vessels in the skin so that these spring out like small cobwebs, chronic redness which can also rise up and become warm. In technical language, these are called telangiectasias. So finally remember SpF30 every single day.
Treatment of rosacea – you must use these products
Morning routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Powder to Mousse
As a gentle cleanser for approx. 30 sec. Cool baths and cool water during your facial cleansing/washing.
Gentle washing is extremely important, and vitamins and minerals will help your skin regain balance.
2. Raz Skincare Hh, 3-5 drops
Adds natural moisture and binds water to the skin, so that the obvious blood vessels can be reduced and the tight feeling in the skin is relieved. This is only moisture, so a cream must always be used afterwards. Not everyone needs this product, so it is only included as a 3ml test to see if it helps you before you buy the big one.
3. Raz Skincare Mdh
Apply Mdh. It is good for your rosacea, as it contains, among other things, a soothing lactic acid. Apply any once again after your Calm Face Cream. I also have it in a smaller version that is easy to carry in your bag if you experience a flush that you want to knock down.
4. Raz Skincare Calm Face Cream
Spread Raz Skincare Calm all over the face and massage it in so that the green tone disappears into the skin. This cream also has SPF30, so you protect the skin from the sun's harmful UV rays all day.
Evening routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Powder to Mousse
As a gentle cleanser for approx. 30 sec. Cool baths and cool water during your facial cleansing/washing.
2. Raz Skincare Hh
Adds natural moisture and binds water to the skin, so that the obvious blood vessels can be reduced and the tight feeling in the skin is relieved. This is only moisture, so a cream must always be used afterwards. Not everyone needs this product, so it is only included as a 3ml test to see if it helps you before you buy the big one.
3. Raz Skincare Ltd
Apply Mdh. It is good for your rosacea, as it contains, among other things, a soothing lactic acid. Apply any once again after your Calm Face Cream.
4. Raz Skincare A-Retionide
Apply A-retionide. It is good as a "night mask" for rosacea attacks which cause impurities or thickening of the skin. Since not all forms of Rosacea cause acne, this is not included in the package but must be purchased separately.
5. Raz Skincare Repair Ointment
Sleep with Repair Salve on - especially if you find that your skin feels tight and dry. If you think it's too greasy, feel free to use Calm Face Cream instead - but I recommend Repair for the best result. It comes in a 15ml. Edition so you can try it out and see if it suits you and your skin.
Other treatment
Raz Skincare Cp – Chemical Peel
If there is a tendency towards dead skin cells and acne, I recommend gentle peeling such as Raz Skincare Cp. Be gentle and careful, cover the face with peeling and leave for up to 10 minutes. Remove earlier if uncomfortable. 1-3 times a week, but it is important to notice, maybe you have to step up slowly. Not everyone needs this product, so it is not included in the package.
When will I see improvements in my rosacea?
You should see improvements in your skin fairly quickly when you care for it properly. After just one week, you should find that your breakouts are smaller.
I have collected most of the products you just have to have in one package and given you a good price.
In severe cases - always see a doctor
Hug Raz
If you want to read more, or see where I get my knowledge from, here are some of the articles that I believe are the most knowledgeable parts.
Anti-irritating rosacea treatment
Rosacea and cardiovascular risk factors
Helicobacter pylori and its eradication in rosacea
The significance of Demodex folliculorum density in rosacea
Interventions for rosacea