Acne Vulgaris

In this guide, you can learn much more about what acne is and how you can treat it. I have also put together a package with the products that I think you need to get rid of your acne - see it under "acne treatment".
What is Acne Vulgaris?
Many different bacteria live on the skin. One of them is called Cutis Bacterium Acnes . This bacteria feeds on dead skin cells, and especially on the fat and oil that your glands produce. If the bacterium gets into a clogged pore, it will be able to develop, and when the body's immune system sends white blood cells to fight it, a pimple is formed. Ordinary pimples are called in Latin Acne vulgaris . Acne means the skin disease pimples and vulgaris means ordinary .
Why do you get acne?
The skin contains many small hair follicles or sacs, each containing a hair and a cluster-shaped sebaceous gland. Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum, which is normally secreted by the pore to lubricate the hair and skin. Pimples, or acne, are sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands/hair follicles. If the exit to the skin's surface is blocked by dead skin cells or a lack of elasticity, the sebum clogs up and the blackheads become inflamed and turn into sore, red nodules. You must not compare it with the impurities which rosacea or infection can give you. Impurities around the mouth can also be perioral dermatitis.
What is the difference between acne and pimples?
It is actually the same, purely dermatologically. Since it is the same bacteria that forms the pimple, you therefore have acne, whether it is a single pimple or many. The largest pimples can leave scars. Deeper infections can lead to hard nodules under the skin called cysts – also known as cystic acne.
Who gets acne?
Almost all teenagers have acne. The problem usually disappears by the age of 25. The production of sebum in your sebaceous glands is greater during puberty and in women during their periods. It is the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that is responsible for the overproduction of sebum. As a teenager, it is often in the last third of adolescence that this hormone is high, and also there that you will be able to experience the biggest outbreaks.
Acne as an adult - is it normal?
Our skin is a mirror of our inner self. We notice it with stress, illness, infections, etc. It is therefore quite possible to get acne as an adult. We can call it adult acne, but it's actually the same thing that young people so often get.
Possible causes of acne?
Do birth control pills cause acne?
No, you can't say it that easily. But it is true that some women experience great improvements in their skin by switching to birth control pills with the active ingredient cyproterone acetate. You can always talk to your doctor about that.
Do sugar and alcohol cause acne?
Lots of research has been done about diet and acne. In the vast majority of cases, a change in intake of sugar, chips and other unhealthy foods will not have a major effect on impure skin as long as your intake is moderate. So if you get drunk on a Saturday and you end up with a hangover on Sunday and eat chips, pizza and chocolate, you don't have to wake up with a face full of acne. It is only if you drink alcohol and consume sugar and other unhealthy things in very large quantities that it can have an impact on your skin. However, there are of course always exceptions.
Can a healthy diet help my acne?
There are many studies that show that a fiber-rich diet with lots of vegetables gives beautiful skin and has good effects on your body. There are just as many studies that show that it does not have much effect if wrinkles and acne are genetic. A healthy diet can therefore give you a lot of good things, but it will only have a big effect if your acne comes from irritated intestines or the like.
Do dairy products cause acne?
It is a good question whether milk can cause acne, and the answer is yes - but very few. A study has shown that 10% of everyone with acne cannot tolerate consuming more than 500ml of dairy products in their diet.
Does toothpaste remove acne?
No, toothpaste does not remove acne. The bacterium that causes cavities is called Dentis Caries, but the one that causes acne is called Cutis Acnes. So they are two different bacteria and toothpaste does not kill the bacteria that gives you acne.
Acne treatment
I am often asked what is the best product for acne. It is different from person to person, but I have put together a treatment that has produced great results for many. You may not need them all.
Morning routine – sequence and use
Cleanse your skin with the Cleansing Mask. The many minerals help the skin to remove the inflammations (redness) and provide building blocks for reconstruction. You can boost the effect of your Cleansing Mask with a cap of Ai, which should also be used as a tonic.
2. Ouch
Dab Ai on as a tonic and let it dry. It stings where the skin is open. If it is too strong, use it only with your cleanser.
3. Huh
Apply Hh moisture serum. It gives more elasticity to your skin, so the skin becomes more supple and the clogging of the pores stops. Perhaps it is enough to only apply this for the first month, which is why it is included in a smaller version of 10 ml. However, it may be that you have not reached the goal in the first month and therefore have to have the big one.
4. Rich Face Cream
Apply Rich Face Cream. In addition to keeping your skin supple and moisturised, it will also protect against damage during breakouts, so you avoid scars. (If you want to use an oil instead, use a completely pure rosehip seed oil - e.g Rh. It also counteracts scar tissue and pigmentation disorders after acne).
5. Mdh
Apply Mdh as the last step. The herbs cause the skin to reduce sebum and tallow production, and therefore also prevent sebaceous glands, blackheads, among other things. In addition, it lubricates the tubular pores so that sebum can flow more freely.
Evening routine – sequence and use
1. Cleansing Mask
Cleanse your skin with the Cleansing Mask. You can boost the effect of your Cleansing Mask by adding a cap of Ai.
2. Ouch
Dab Ai on as a tonic and let it dry. It stings where the skin is open. If it is too strong, use it only with your cleanser.
3. A-retinoid
Apply Hh moisture serum. It gives more elasticity to your skin, so the skin becomes more supple and the clogging of the pores stops. Perhaps it is enough to only apply this for the first month, which is why it is included in a smaller version of 10 ml. However, it may be that you have not reached the goal in the first month and therefore have to have the big one.
4. Repair
Do you have dry skin that gets oily during the day? Then I recommend that you end your evening routine with Repair as a night mask. Then it is you who greases up the skin - instead of your skin doing it during the day. Since not everyone gets fat during the day, this is not included in the package and must be purchased separately.
Other treatment
Cp, Chemical Peel
Peel your skin 3-4 times a week with Raz Skincare Cp – Chemical peel. The high content of acid, minerals and active substances will help you to remove the dead skin cells, so that the products you subsequently use will be able to penetrate the skin more easily. It also dissolves the blockages that are not fat soluble.
There are various deficiencies in your body that can cause acne. Therefore, here I made a list of the food supplements that I believe will be able to help you.
Spectro – or another multivitamin.
Mega B Stress – skin, hair nails.
Zinc Citrate 20 mg – fights bacteria and inflammation.
Multidophilus 24 – optimal digestion.
Ultra Omega – optimal fatty acids.
Vitamin C – immune system.
I have acne/unclean skin on my back - what do I do?
Acne is the same no matter where on the body it occurs. However, treating acne on the back requires a little extra flexibility. But the treatment is the same.
When will I see improvement in my acne?
Remember that we are all different. For some it takes 14 days, for others it takes 3 months before the skin is healed and beautiful again. I understand if you are impatient, but a product like Retinoid only has maximum effect after 12 weeks.
Will there be flare-ups in my acne treatment?
There are some who experience major flare-ups when they start an acne treatment - but most experience nothing. It is important to continue a course you have started so that you reach your goal. Agents such as A-retinoid and nutritional supplements can easily provoke a bloom, but it should probably be nice at the other end.
How to remove acne scars?
Violent outbreaks of acne can cause inflammation and scar tissue. The inflammations can be removed with my acne pack, while for scar tissue I will refer to my guidance on the subject. You can read it here .
Should I choose laser treatment for acne?
Laser treatment may well be the right choice for certain acne breakouts. But do it through your doctor. There are really many clinics, of a more or less professional nature, that offer laser treatment of both acne and acne scars. It's your skin and you have to live with it for the rest of your life. I would therefore always choose a clinic referred by a doctor.
In severe cases - always see a doctor.
Hug Raz
If you want to read more or see where I get my knowledge from, here are some of the articles that I think are the most informative and reasonably easy to go to.
Adolescents' self-perceived acne-related beliefs: from myth to science
Acne and its management
The hormonal aspects of acne
Lipid Mediators in Acne
The role of the skin microbiota in acne pathophysiology
Clinical evidence for washing and cleansers